Bluewater presents Female Force:
Angelina Jolie
Movie star. Defender of human rights. Tireless mother. Tabloid fodder.
All of these describe Angelina Jolie. Yet not one of them paints a complete picture of this talented and often controversial actress.
Independent comics company Bluewater Productions will do its part to fill in the blanks surrounding Jolie's life when the publisher debuts its latest biography comic this January, Female Force: Angelina Jolie.
The 32-page comic, written by Brent Sprecher with pencils by Nuno Nobre, will be available in comic shops and from online retailers such as Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. The comic will retail for $3.99.
Writer Sprecher says that even long-time fans of Jolie's work will be surprised at what they learn about the talented actress.
"I learned a great deal about her struggles and triumphs as an award-winning actress, mother and humanitarian," Sprecher said. "Often painted as an edgy, slightly dangerous movie star, what is often not revealed about Ms. Jolie is her tireless commitment to charity work and her dedication to the plight of refugees around the world as a Goodwill Ambassador with the United Nations."
Bluewater Productions is no stranger to biography comics. The company, which publishes the Political Power, Fame and Female Force series of biography comics, has made headlines for its features on such personalities as Lady Gaga, Sarah Palin, Justin Bieber and J.K. Rowling. The company plans to release future comics on Danica Patrick, Beyonce, Bill O'Reilly and Betty White.
Bluewater president and founder Darren Davis says that he has a simple goal with his company's bio comics: introduce a new generation of readers to the wonders of sequential storytelling.
"We're focusing our biography titles on the most intriguing celebrities, world leaders and artists," Davis said. "This is by design. We want to bring new fans to comics. One way to do this is to publish biographies on celebrities that already have strong and dedicated fan bases."
For his part, Sprecher hopes that his contribution to the Female Force lineup will shed some new light on an often misunderstood actress.
"My hope is that this biography, in some small way, inspires others to follow Angelina Jolie's example and make helping those in need a part of their daily lives," Sprecher said.