viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017

miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

sábado, 9 de septiembre de 2017

In Memoriam Paul Giachetti

 Paul Giachetti, co-creator of Hasslein Books with Rich Handley and the writer of Total Immersion: The Comprehensive Unauthorized RED DWARF Encyclopedia recently passed away, he was one of my first champions and supporters, one of the guys that put me in the map, and I always looked forward to our future projects,  to know that I will never collaborate with Paul again breaks my heart.
Paul was the graphic designer of all the Hasslein books , he and I collaborated on the Planet of the Apes and Back to the future books written by Rich Handley.
The work I did on Paul's Red Dwarf books are still my favorite thing I've ever done.

I will always be grateful to Paul and Rich Handley for inviting me to be a part of Hasslein Books and he always be in my heart as someone who gave me the unique opportunity to illustrate his books.

I will always remember him.